
I Wish You....

Sleeping Woman by Man Ray

I found myself thinking about you,
Your smell, your skin, your taste.

I could swear I have just heard you.

Oh, my!

I found a corner of my heart that wants you,
Your scent, your touch, your flavors.

I could swear I have just felt you.

My, oh my!

These are the wonders of our brains,
The magnificence of our thoughts,
The simplicity of our feelings. They're just blinded.

Blinded, deaf, amnesiac.....

Oh, my!

I found myself thinking about your flaws,
Your anger, your sadness, your emptiness.

I could swear I have heard your pain.

Oh, my!

I found a seed of resentment that despises you,
Your voice, your strength, your colors.

I could swear I have felt your punches.

My, oh my!

But I remember, after the darkness there is a light,
A light called hope.
And I lean to the benevolence of forgiveness,
a never fading  fire.
And forever holding inside a  biased truth,
Called, after omission, love.
And even disguised as a thought,
Lighting up the darkest corner of my being,
They tickle, they move inside, they burn sometimes,
The ashes......  the ashes of our fearless fire. 

These are the wonders of our brains,
The magnificence of our thoughts,
The simplicity of our feelings. They're just blinded.

Blinded, deaf, amnesiac.....



Pele by Robert Hardgrave

I met a soul around the corner, suspicious but attractive,
even when the stars fell down, I kept looking at that soul,
and from the beginning I was told, to hold back my desire,
I, I picked a fight.

I fought the anger, and kissed it, the soul
I fought the sadness and laugh at it
I pretended to be kind and helped it
I used it, and then, and then left it.

I met a soul around the corner, hurt but shining,
even when the Sun rose up I kept looking at that soul,
and at the end i was told, to stay away and fight my will
I, I picked a fight.

I picked a fight.


Vac et Teo

Tres Mujeres por Pablo Picasso

Yo vi a Vac, en  medio del camino,
saltaba como si no hubiese mañana,
como si la vida le picara,
como si el sol le quemara.

Asi mismo Teo, cual petulante,
reia como si no le importara,
como si la luna le bañara,
como si la muerte le engañara.

Vac, ¡Oh Vac!, si Vac
Teo, ¡Oh Teo!, si Teo

Uno das, otro más,
Vive y rie, vuelve atrás.

Escuche como reía, Vac, de mi corazón una sonrisa.
Senti como  sentía, Teo, de mi pecho un latido.

Vac et Teo......Vac et Teo......Vac et Teo


Countless Words

Soon I'll Let you go by Craww (http://www.craww.com/2011/)

Yes, i can watch you go into the darkness
percecive your colours

Yes, the infinite desire of knowledge consumes me
i want to feel your textures

Yes, i can finally touch you
my skin is turning chilly

Yes, oh yes!  I see you know
my hands can draw your sorrow

(This work has been published in:  http://allpoetry.com/poem/11944285-Countless--words-by-LoudlySilent)


Tú y Yo

Camille Claudel (1864-1943)
The Waltz, 1899-1905
Bronze - 43.2 x 23 x 34.3 cm
Paris, Musée Rodin
Photo : Ch. Baraja/Musée Rodin
© ADAGP Paris, 2008


Yo vi un ave
que süave
sus cantares
y voló...

Y a lo lejos,
los reflejos
de la luna en alta cumbre
que, argentando las espumas
bañaba de luz sus plumas
de tisú...
¡y eras tú!

Y vi un alma
que, sin calma,
sus amores
cantaba en tristes rumores;
y su ser
a las rocas parecía;
miró la azul lejanía...
tendió la vista anhelante,
suspiró, y cantando amante
¡y era

Poema de Ruben Dario (1867-1916) fragmento


A Storm

Author: Ian Francis (ifrancis.co.uk)

Restless, eager, loving
The intensity of your desire consumed me

Curious, shy and yearning
The feelings grew despite the sorrow

Have you ever met a soul with so much anger and so much love?
Did you ever want, so badly, to kiss so roughly it became a bite?

Like waves our feelings, a sea of sensations
Reality was much stronger than our  dreams

Unfilled, pressing, smitten
The intensity of my desire consumed you

Anxious, mad and sober
The feelings grew despite the romance

Have you ever met two souls with so much anger and so much love?

A storm,
From the beginning to the end,
We were a storm

(This work has been published in:  http://www.thepoetcommunity.com/3377/a-storm-a-poem-by-silent)